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2017-09-05 BOS min.
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Sept. 5, 2017 – 5:30 PM
Board of Selectmen – regular meeting

Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan plus TA Nina Nazarian.

5:30 PM   The chairman opened BOS meeting in Town Hall Annex small room.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to approve minutes of Aug. 21 with edits submitted by Richy. They also voted to approve a new version of Aug. 7 minutes, which were re-edited to retain some original facts.
        Regarding Rt. 31 Bridge over E. Wachusett Brook, selectmen voted all in favor to authorize TA to sign contract for design with Jacobs at approx. $160,000, which is initially grant-funded.
5:40 PM Jon explained that the Charter Cable project is on schedule, with Verizon pole licenses set for completion in September. Charter has settled on contract with MBI and 12-month build-out should begin soon when all details are wrapped up with the cable license. Edie and Nina shared update on Facilities Steering Committee and discussed liaisons as possibly Bill Lawton from Advisory Committee and Edith for BOS. The F.S.C. is still developing questions for staff/occupants regarding needs assessment on the four town buildings.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to ask the Advisory Committee to appoint a liaison to the FSC. George Handy asked for clarification on the goals of the FSC and the Collins Center capital plan, as their charges seemed to overlap. The Collins project will develop a capital improvements plan for all town-owned assets, and the FSC is crafting a needs assessment on the four main buildings only. Jon F. offered to continue discussion on it with George at a later date.
        Turning to September 7th Special Town Meeting, group discussed town funding of Rt. 140 eminent domain costs which Jon deemed manageable, as Chapter 90 monies may be used for right-of-way expenses. Bill Holder reported for R.A.C. and noted that the STM proposal currently includes 69 temporary easements and 32 permanent easements in East Princeton (mainly) which represents approx. 44,000 sq.ft. of land for temporary easements and approx. 27,000 sq.ft. for permanent easements. It was reported that Ch. 90 pays Princeton $341,000 in a typical year. The Route 140 project will receive almost $8 million in federal funding.
6 PM  Cultural Council members asked that the three new appointments be approved for 3-year terms, as two were approved for one-year terms at last BOS meeting. Selectmen then voted all in favor to appoint Ron Curry for a term expiring June 30, 2020 and Marsha Dowdy for a term expiring June 30, 2020.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize the T.A. to advertise for a replacement of the administrative assistant for the Building Department. Jon asked about Town Hall being open five days instead of four if work hours are distributed differently, and group agreed to discuss at goal-setting.
6:05 PM  Nina reported a backup Cemetery Laborer may be needed and hopefully an internal posting will fill the position. 493768114Bruce Rollins was acting superintendent 493768114Richard Biskand Jami Deloge has taken on more duties. Selectmen voted all in favor to advertise internally for a temporary cemetery laborer.
        Selectmen then voted all in favor to award a contract to Seabrook Truck Center at $69,500.  for a used, single axle, dump truck and authorize the TA to sign any contract needed.
        Selectmen voted all in favor to award Route 62 resurfacing job to PJ Keating for their $272,486.70 low bid and authorize the TA to sign contract.
        With two seats open on the 3-member Board of Registrars, Susan DiLiddo was recommended to fill one position and BOS voted all in favor to appoint her to a term through 3/31/2020. She was nominated by the Democratic Town Committee; the Republican Town Cmte. also has a seat.
6:20 PM  Group reviewed correspondence and signed Warrants FY’18 – 05

6:21 PM – Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A. Exemption Three – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”


6:30 PM – Group adjourned executive session and re-convened in regular session. They then joined Advisory Committee hearing on Special Town Meeting Warrant.

7:11 PM - Edie left Advisory Committee Hearing to attend the Facilities Steering Committee meeting.

7:28 PM - Jon left Advisory Committee Hearing. BOS was adjourned due to a quorum not being present.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Materials for job postings: Building Dept. and Cemetery Laborer; Route 62 resurfacing job bid spreadsheet

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department